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Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2021) The Effect of Pindang Frigate Mackarel Vacuum Packaging On Quality and Storage at 5oc and -18oc. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Animal Science, 8 (7). 04-08. ISSN 2321-9459
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2021) Effect of cooking time on the quality of nila nyat-nyat (Oreochromis niloticus). Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2021) Phytochemical and antioxidant capacity test on turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) traditionally processed in Bali. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2019) Hygiene and Sanitation of Pindang Processing in Central of Pemindangan, Bali. 6th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2019) The Tradition of Frigate Mackerel (Auxis thazard) Processing as Balinese Local Wisdom. SEAS (Sustainable Environment Agricultural Science), 3 (2). pp. 101-105. ISSN 2614-0934
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2019) The differences in the types of packaging and duration of storage on the quality of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2018) Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior among Pemindang Workers in Kusamba Village Through Direct Training and Demonstration Plot. Internatonal Conference Of Social Science.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2018) The Nila Nyat-nyat, Balinese Special Food Contains Good Nutrition and High Organoleptic Quality. International Conference Of Social Sience.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2018) The characteristics of waste product from the process of pemindangan in local village Bali. 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018).
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2017) Penerapan Teknik Penanganan yang berbeda terhadap Kualitas Ikan Segar sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Ikan Pindang. Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 19 (2). pp. 89-96. ISSN 0853-6384
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Ergonomicapproach decrease musculoskeletal complaints and increases productivity ofpindangproducersin Kusamba, Bali. 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018).
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2017) PROCESSING WASTE MANAGEMENT EFFORTS IN THE VILLAGE OF KUSAMBA PINDANG DAWAN SUBDISTRICT KLUNGKUNG BALI ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY. In: Proceeding International Conference Global Connectivity, Cross Cultural Connections, Social Inclusion, and Recognition: The Role of Social Sciences. Warmadewa University Press, Denpasar, Indonesia, pp. 151-160. ISBN 978-602-1582-21-3
Noerasto, Toto and Pandit, I Gede Suranaya and Astara, I Wayan Wesna (2017) PENDEKATAN SIKAP KERJA ERGONOMI PADA PEMINDANGAN IKAN. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Tahun 2017. LPPM Universitas Merdeka Madiun, Madiun, Indonesia, pp. 233-241. ISBN 978-602-60398-3-5
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya and Mahendrawati, Ni Luh Made and Suaria, I Nengah and Putra, I Made Aditya Mantara and Suranata, Putu Gede and Sujaya, Nyoman and Suwendri, Ni Made and Suacana, I Wayan Gede and Aryastuti, Anak Agung Sri Agung and Winianti, Ni Wayan and Masyeni, Dewa Ayu Putri Sri (2022) Pengembangan Budaya Mutu di Perguruan Tinggi. PENERBIT KBM INDONESIA. ISBN 978-623-499-032-4
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2021) TEKNOLOGI PENGEMASAN PINDANG TONGKOL VAKUM DAN MUTU. Warmadewa University Press. ISBN 978-602-1582-79-4
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2018) Buku_NILA NYAT-NYAT, LEZAT DAN BERGIZI. Warmadewa University Press. ISBN 978-602-1582-39-8
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2016) PAKET TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA PEMINDANGAN IKAN TONGKOL. Warmadewa University Press, Denpasar, Indonesia. ISBN 978-6021-6821-52
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2016) Teknologi Pemindangan Ikan Tongkol. Warmadewa University Press, Denpasar, Indonesia.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2012) Buku_BIOKIMIA HASIL PERAIRAN. Warmadewa University Press. ISBN 978-602-1582-00-8
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2011) Buku_PEDOMAN PRAKTIKUM ICHTHYOLOGY I. Warmadewa University Press. ISBN 978-602-96068-7-4
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya (2004) Buku_TEKNOLOGI PENANGANAN DAN PENGOLAHAN IKAN. Percetakan Bali Post. ISBN 978-8496-48-5
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya 1st International Conference on Tourism, Management and Tecnology 2019. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC) 2019_The differences in the types of packaging and duration of storage on the quality of Tilapia (Oreochromis nilloticus). UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC) 2020_Effect of cooking time on the quality of nila nyat-nyat (Oreochromis niloticus). UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC) 2020_Phytochemical and antioxidant capacity test on turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) traditionally processed in Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Bukti Korespondensi syarat khusus - Jurnal UGM. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya In International Conference Ecotourism Resilience During Covid-19 Pandemic. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya International Conference Of Social Sciences (ICOSS 1)_Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior among Pemindang Workers in Kusamba Village Through Direct Training and Demonstration Plot. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya International Conference-Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy_Hygiene and Sanitation of Pindang Processing in Central of Pemindangan Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya The Nila Nyat-nyat Balinese Special Food Contains Good Nutrition and High Organoleptic Quality. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Seminar Nasional_Dampak Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Bagi Kalimantan Timur Sebagai Ibu Kota Negara Serta Penyelesaian Sengketa Hukumnya. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Sertifikat_Ergonomic approach decrease musculoskeletal complaints and increase productivty of pindang producers in Kusamba Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Sertifikat_The Characteristics of waste product from the process of pemindangan in local Village Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surat Tugas & Sertifikat-Effect of cooking time on the quality of nila nyat-nyat (Oreochromis niloticus. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surat Tugas & Sertifikat-Ergonomic approach decrease musculoskeletal complaints and increases productivity of pindang producers in Kusamba. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surat Tugas & Sertifikat-Hygiene and Sanitation of Pindang Processing in Central of Pemindangan. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surat Tugas & Sertifikat-Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior among Pemindang Workers in Kusamba Village Through Direct Training and Demonstration Plot. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surat Tugas & Sertifikat-Phytochemical and antioxidant capacity test on turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) traditionally processed in Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surat Tugas & Sertifikat-The characteristics of waste product from the process of pemindangan in local village Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surat Tugas & Sertifikat-The differences in the types of packaging and duration of storage on the quality of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Surt Tugas & Sertifikat-The Nila Nyat-nyat, Balinese Special Food Contains Good Nutrition and High Organoleptic Quality. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_Dampak Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Bagi Kalimantan Timur Sebagai Ibu Kota Negara Serta Penyelesaian Sengketa Hukumnya. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_Effect of cooking time on the quality of nila nyat-nyat (Oreochromis niloticus). UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_Ergonomic approach decrease musculoskeletal complaints and increases productivity of pindang producers in Kusamba, Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_Hygiene and Sanitation of Pindang Processing in Central of Pemindangan, Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_Improving_Hygiene_and_Sanitation_Behavior_among_Pe_. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_Penerapan Teknik Penanganan yang berbeda terhadap Kualitas Ikan Segar sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Ikan Pindang. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_Phytochemical and antioxidant capacity test on turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) traditionally processed in Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_The Characteristics of Waste Product from the process of pemindangan in local village Bali. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_The Effect of Pindang Frigate Mackarel Vacuum Packaging On Quality and Storage at 5oC and -18oC. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_The Influence of Environment on Tourist Satisfaction Seeing from Management, Linguistict and Social Cultural Apect. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_The Nila Nyat-Nyat, Balinese Special Food Contains Good Nutrition and High Organoleptic Quality. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_The Tradition Of Frigate Mackerel (Auxis Thazard) Processing as Balinese Local Wisdom. UNSPECIFIED.
Pandit, I Gede Suranaya Turnitin_The differences in the types of packaging and duration of storage on the quality of Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus). UNSPECIFIED.